A-ONE Polymers

Array ( [0] => App\Models\ProductImages Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => product_to_images [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [product_to_images_id] => 1440 [product_id] => 139 [media_id] => 1325 [created_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 [updated_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 ) [original:protected] => Array ( [product_to_images_id] => 1440 [product_id] => 139 [media_id] => 1325 [created_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 [updated_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( [media] => App\Models\Media Object ( [connection:protected] => mysql [table:protected] => media_master [primaryKey:protected] => id [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [preventsLazyLoading] => [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [media_id] => 1325 [media_file_name] => g98vLXhWGJ9z6oD98mUM14R9q9yMRPCTVRebZtMU.jpg [media_file_path] => images/product/ [media_file_extension] => jpg [media_type_id] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 [updated_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 ) [original:protected] => Array ( [media_id] => 1325 [media_file_name] => g98vLXhWGJ9z6oD98mUM14R9q9yMRPCTVRebZtMU.jpg [media_file_path] => images/product/ [media_file_extension] => jpg [media_type_id] => 1 [created_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 [updated_at] => 2024-02-24 07:35:41 ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [classCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [attributeCastCache:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( [0] => media_file_name [1] => media_file_path [2] => media_file_extension [3] => media_type_id [4] => account_id [5] => orignal_image_name ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) [primarkey:protected] => media_id ) ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [usesUniqueIds] => [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( [0] => product_id [1] => media_id ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) ) )
product thumb
product thumb

Ortho Spine Chair

Introducing our versatile Ortho Spine Chair. Crafted for both style and durability, it's a must-have for any space. Elevate your experience with this chic and functional Chair today.

Weight: 4.00Kg

Dimension: L:560 W:600 Ht:900